
Showing posts from November, 2011

Realizations I Would Not Have Had if I Didn’t Study at UP Manila

Cramming is a routine so every U.P. student has mastered the Art of Cramming after four years of stay at the University. Floors and Corridors are your best friends especially when the library, lobby, and caf are full. Cutting classes are necessary. Four years of love-hate relationship among college friends are healthy. Friends can surely be your college enemies once in a while, but in the end, they will still be your friends. You’ll cry and smile together over class cards, unending projects, and bipolar professors. It is easy to please anybody--- except the professors. You will be thankful if your professor: Is only a part-time professor Has an allergy of some sort Note: Though for A and B, if it is the thesis adviser, it will make the students literally die. Forgets the time of your class or best even forgets that he or she has a class Is young or young at heart at least Has


The last time I have seen the beauty of whites combined with the colorful sablays was two years ago when my brother graduated with thousands of other students from U.P. Diliman. It reminded me of two years ago. When I was one of them. Graduation day--- It was a proud sight for parents; seeing their children march while proudly bearing the seal of being a UP graduate--- the Sablay. For the graduates, graduation day is something phenomenal--- It was a day of soaring prides; their prides of being graduates of the State University that had already produced a great number of influential and great people. And graduation was also a seal of survival--- having survived the bittersweet torture the university had cast upon them. For the alumni, it was a different story. Graduation is a painful reminiscence of the past when they were the ones in the place of the graduates-- when they are wearing the same smiles and proud faces and bearings. Post- graduate depression. Who cou