
Showing posts from March, 2014

101 Days of Heartbreak Book 1: Letters of Heartbreak

PROLOGUE Dear Kamita,             There is a twisted similarity between a dream and a reality—the other one is a lie that you want so desperately to be a truth while the other is a truth that you sometimes want to be a lie.             I do not know what I want.             Embracing a dream often feels soothing and wonderful. It’s an escape. A temporary dimension our minds create so we can forget.             But it always ends.             Accepting reality isn’t a walk in the park either. Reality is often blunt, straight to the point, brutally honest.             And it’s there to stay.             Therefore I do not know which hurts more--- the truth or the lie. I had a realization a few months ago. A realization that I wished just remained as jumbled thoughts which I cannot make sense of. I prefer the clutter than the clarity. The clarity was harsh. The clarity was reality.             I’m in love with you.             Surprised? I surprised me too. When I f