
Showing posts from April, 2013

ELECTION 2013: To Vote or not to Vote?

Warning: This entry contains more questions than answers. What does “vote responsibly” actually mean? Does it mean being a responsible citizen and vote for the sake of voting or being a responsible citizen and vote for the right candidates? That is where my problem lies--- who exactly are the right candidates? I’ve been a registered voter for 8 years now. I will admit that I didn’t have this much predicament in the past--- which names I will write in my ballot. For the previous elections, I have always seen a couple of candidates who were sincere enough and have that desire to serve the nation. They had been enough for me. I wasn’t satisfied, but at least a couple of candidates with good intentions are better than none. At least we have a David to fight a Goliath—a small chance, but a chance nevertheless. The upcoming elections should’ve awakened that tiny hope deep within me--- that we will have another batch of politicians who can truly serve the nation and uplift