
Showing posts from May, 2011

Dead End

You're the worst dream that ever grazed my psyche. Cause for the first time in my entire lives and loves; I thought you were real. That I will be able to paint you and turn you into reality. But no. I wasted my canvas, my paints, my time, my efforts, and my attention. You're just another one of those dreams that fade into nothingness after giving me a very short time to be happy. Your silence was the worst way of ending it with me. It was the deadliest weapon for emotional blackmail. Goodbye may be stronger than I love you, but saying goodbye (specially abrupt goodbye) without saying I love you is the coward's way out. Goes to show what you are-- you've chosen that path. You are Ares personified-- murderous and bloodstained (mythnet)--yes you are; handsomest Greek God-- yes you are; a coward; INDEED you are. Damn you for making me feel this way. Damn me for letting you make me feel this way.


I hate feeling confused. I hate not knowing what to do. I hate not knowing how to explain how I feel. And it's all because of you. Why are you so complicated? You're even more confusing than the mind of my cousin, whom we think lives in a world of his own. You are complexity defined. F*ck the opinions of others. I don't freaking care. Futile reasons and hidden emotional melodrama. They are tinting you from me. My little cathartic attacks dissolve my verbal filters. Vebal Diarrhea, here we come! Yeah, I know. Confusing as hell. Now we're even. Revenge is indeed bittersweet. Damn. I hate this type of feeling. I need to get rid of this. Shucks, I can't.