Why Harry's World Became Ours Too


Below are the signs that you are suffering from a sudden ailment that muggles are experiencing since July 14, 2011:


- You go inside the movie theatre looking fresh and feeling excited; you come out with your eyes quite resembling that of Voldemort’s red ones because you couldn’t stop sobbing throughout the duration of the movie.

- You keep unlocking doors muttering “Alohomora” instead of using your key… and then crying when the spell won’t work.

- You kept on registering at Pottermore.com even though you already registered just to make sure the site has your email address.

- You suddenly take quizzes like “To which house do you belong?” or “Which Harry Potter character are you?”

- You find yourself wanting to blog about Harry Potter, but even before you finish the first sentence, you start getting teary-eyed.

- You are watching all the You tube videos you can find that are about Harry Potter (whether It’s cast interviews; trailers; behind the scenes; or fan-made videos).

- You start reading the Books all over again with a box of tissue at your bedside table.

- You used to tell people (who just watch the movies without reading the books) to “Just read the book so you’ll understand”. Now, you are just to eager to answer any question about Harry and to explain certain scenes other people couldn’t understand.

- You read HP fanfiction and then you also start writing one.

- You feel irritated when Non-fans say that the last movie is a total bullsh*t and you tell them to go stuff their faces in their favorite vampire’s a**.

- You are forever grateful to J.K. Rowling for sharing her world with you…

- You ask your parents for an early birthday gift—A TIME TURNER. So you can turn back the hands of time and experience the Harry Potter phenomenon all over again.

- You are writing an owl post for Harry, hoping it will reach him… Then you keep on waiting for a sign of an owl for his response.

- You start referring to yourself as a muggle.

- You are suddenly craving for chocolate so off you go to a grocery store… then you ask the store manager where their chocolate frogs are located.

- You keep on telling yourself that one day, your child will be going to Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry.

- You can’t let go of a 10-year old Sorcerer’s Stone pillow even though Harry’s face is already fading.

- The word “Always” causes you to get emotional.

- You want to bother JK Rowling until she gives up and calls for a press con just to say: “Fine, fine. I give up! I’m writing Book 8! But I have to warn you it will be until Book 14!”


- You kept on thinking and sometimes even muttering in your sleep the words, “There goes my childhood…”

- You “secretly” wish that Voldemort will rise again so that Harry will be back to save the wizarding world again.

- You still want to watch Deathly Hallows part 2… again and again and again… until it is no longer being shown in theaters. Because you want to hold on as much as you can... as you know it will be the last.

If you are experiencing any of those signs…. Well… just accept it.

I did.

My doctor says it will heal in time, just not now.


Anonymous said…
i knooooowww..... T_T post-potter depression is a virus...

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