FIX ME Chapter 3

Chapter 3

Disclaimer: Written mainly to satisfy PhilJess shipper hearts. This fanfic has no influence to the real lives of the characters.

She is nervous.

Her hands are clammy. Her heart is racing. Her mind is blank.

Yes, she is nervous as hell.

“Penny for your thoughts, Skinny Mini Me?”

Jessica jumped in surprise at the sound of the voice.

It was Colton’s. She almost forgot the people she’s with. That’s what that guy does to her.

She smiled at him and shook her head.

Colton, as usual, doesn’t seem to believe her because he once said he could see right through her, but he didn’t comment and went back to chatting with Skylar, whom, Jessica noticed was flirting a little.

She smiled at her two friends. Skylar has a crush on Colton. Everyone knew that.

Well, except for Colton. Guys really are naïve.

Jessica turned her attention to the other people in the van: Elise, Hollie, Heejun, and Joshua. All seven of them are on their way to the hospital where Phillip is recuperating.



And just like that, a simple thought of him sends her heart to bedlam.

“Hey, Jess.”

Another blessed diversion. This time it was Heejun who interrupted her thoughts. He was seated right behind her. Jessica felt a little gratitude towards him for diverting her thoughts away from Phillip.

Just a little gratitude though. Because as she turned to face him, the look on his face tells her he’s planning something not good.

Jessica automatically narrowed her eyes at him. Heejun smirked and leaned over to whisper something to her.

“Hey, BB,” he said. “I know your secret.”

“What secret?” Jessica asked, trying to sound cool, but on the inside, she was literally panicky.

Heejun just smiled and simply answered, “You and PP.”

Then to Jessica’s horror, he formed his hands into a heart and started moving his fingers, giving the idea that it’s beating.

Jessica blushed and hit his hands. “That’s not true,” she said and then turned away from him. She leaned back on the seat.

Heejun being Heejun, leaned forward again and whispered, “aren’t you excited? You’ll see the Big Ape. He needs his banana. You are his Jessica Banana.”

“Heejun!” Jessica blurted out so suddenly that every activity inside the van stopped.

There was silence.

Jessica blushed scarlet. Colton looked from Jessica to Heejun.

“What did you do to her?” he asked Heejun accusingly.

Heejun just shrugged innocently. “I just said Phillip might want bananas. Jessica should buy him bananas. It’s good for his health. Jessica just got---”

“I just got annoyed. He was annoying me,” Jessica answered, cutting Heejun’s words before he can say anything stupid.

“I was about to say defensive,” Heejun muttered, which, thankfully, only Jessica heard.

“Are you sure?” Colton asked her, worry evident in his eyes. Jessica nodded.

“Of course. Don’t be such a worrywart, Colt. I’m fine. I’ll just ignore Heejun. It’s the best way.”

Heejun rolled his eyes. “Yeah. Denial Queen.”

Jessica glared at him, but decided to just ignore him. Because whether Heejun is joking or not, others knowing how she feels is not a joking matter.

Jessica’s so consumed with her thoughts that she didn’t even notice Colton holding her hands.

All that’s on her mind was, she’s going to see him in a few minutes.

Her feelings had gone haywire again.


He slowly opened his eyes. The first thing he noticed was the hand holding his.

It was his girlfriend. She was asleep on the chair beside his bed. Phillip’s heart melted at the sight of her.

She’s really beautiful. And she’s always been heaven-sent to me. Phillip thought, gazing at the sleeping woman who has become a part of his life for so long. With his free hand, he tucked a hair behind her ear.

The simple action seemed to wake her up.

“Phillip?” she asked sleepily. Phillip squeezed her hand.

“I’m here, love,” he said softly. His girlfriend sat up straight, but did not let go of his hand.

“How are you feeling?” she asked him, not meeting his eyes.

“I’m okay. I feel better. Thank you,” he answered sincerely.

His girlfriend nodded, but Phillip noticed she was avoiding his gaze.

“Your Mom and Dad needed rest,” she said. “I volunteered to take their place. I hope that’s okay with you.”

That’s when Phillip knew there was something bothering her.

“Hey, is there something wrong?” he asked softly, trying to catch her eyes. “You know you can say anything to me. What’s wrong?”

His girlfriend shook her head. “Nothing. I’m just tired.”

Phillip wouldn’t have it.

“There is something wrong. You are worrying me. Please? Tell me, please?” he pleaded.

It was a few seconds when his girlfriend let out a sigh. That’s when he knows she’ll tell him. Phillip waited.

“Phil,” she started, looking a little sad. “Do you… do you still love me?” she asked quietly.

The question literally caught him off guard. His girlfriend never doubted his love for her.  Never.

“Why would you even ask that?”

This time she met his gaze. Phillip can see tears that are threatening to spill from her eyes.

“Phil, I’m not dumb and I’m not blind,” she said. “I can feel your feelings changing, hell, I can see your feelings since that day she almost got eliminated.”

“What?” Was the only word that came out of Phillip’s mouth.
His girlfriend laughed bitterly.

“Phil, you were so obvious. The hugs, the holding hands, the subtle glances… I can see it. People can see it. Have you even read the tweets about you and her? Damn, Phillip, those tweets made me feel like I don’t exist!” she said loudly, releasing Phillip’s hand.

“No, don’t say anything yet. Let me finish,” she said as she stood up and went near the window. Phillip knows she is hiding her tears. Phillip wanted to hold her so much, but he just let her have her space.

“You care about her, Phillip,” she said, her voice quivering. “Every time we’re together, you keep mentioning her. I don’t think you can even finish a sentence without including her name on it.”

“In your interviews, you are genuinely happy. Your eyes light up, your smile seemed endless. You were happy to be with her. You’re different with her,” she said softly. “You want to know why I know how you feel, Phillip?”

He didn’t answer.

“Because the hugs, the touches, and the smiles I saw you give her were once only meant for me.”

Phillip was too shocked to answer.

“I’m going, Phillip. I need to think.”

And with that, his girlfriend went to him, kissed him softly on the forehead, and went out of the room.

He was left staring at the door. And all he could say after a few minutes was:

“Jessica, what the hell are you doing to my life?”


The ringing of his phone was the only thing that made Phillip move. He was still too shocked by what happened. He couldn’t even decipher what he really feels now.

His parents called, worried for him. His girlfriend must have called them. He assured his parents he’s fine. That they could rest for a few more hours. They insisted to call the hospital though to have the nurse check on him regularly. He was just too tired to argue.

Having nothing to do and needing something to do, he gathered his courage so he can check his Twitter on his phone.

He laughed bitterly. You’re now scared of a little blue bird? Grow up, Phillip. He shook his head and logged in.

So many tweets. He scrolled down, down, down, down… Even if he doesn’t admit it still, he was curious about how last night’s conversation. But before he can even scroll down, Heejun’s last tweet got his attention.

Heejun Han @HHanAI11
We won’t tell where, but we will visit @PPhillipsAI11 tomorrow! See you soon, PP. @JLedetAI11 @HCavanaghAI11 @SLaineAI11 @ETestoneAI11 @CDixonAI11 @JSanchezAI11

And as if on cue, his door fell open and in goes his idol friends one by one.


Phillip almost dropped his phone in surprise.

That was fast He thought.

Heejun, as usual, was the first on him. His best pal gave him one of the biggest hugs in the entire universe.

“Hello, Ape Man!” Heejun exclaimed which caused laughter among his visitors. “I know you missed me, but did I miss you? Yes of course!”

“Careful man,” Phillip said, wincing a little. “Still have stitches, ya know. I want to arrive in one piece on our tour.”

Heejun rolled his eyes, but he released him, giving him a small pat on the back. His friend turned to the others and declared, “Fine, you can have him, guys!”

One by one, the others gave Phillip their greetings: Elise, Skylar, Joshua, Hollie, then Colton…

When Colton gave him his hug, Phillip forgot any emotions he felt last time towards his friend. He was just so glad to see him. After all, they are really best buddies.

He was still enveloped in Colton’s hug when he caught her eyes. Since his friends entered his room, he hasn’t looked at her. He tried not to.

But he can feel her.

But right now, he has no choice but to look at her. She was standing shyly beside Joshua, who was busy joking around with Hollie. She was looking at him, doubt in her eyes. But she was smiling.

“Hi, PP,” she said softly.

Phillip’s heart stopped beating.


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