FIX ME Chapter 2

Chapter 2

Disclaimer: This fanfic is written mainly to satisfy PhilJess shipper hearts and has no influence to the real lives of the characters.

Seeing her go hurts a lot. He knows he’ll see her in a few days because of the Idol Tour, but it still damn hurts.

He followed her car with his gaze until it faded from sight. After what seemed like a long time, Phillip moved away from the window and sat down at the edge of his bed, his hands on his face. Another thought filled his mind.

Why did he do that? Why did he kiss her? Yes, it was merely a soft peck on her lips, but it made everything worse.

Worse because he could still remember the softness of her lips.

Worse because she tastes like strawberry.

Worse because he didn’t know why he did that.

Worse because instead of him being able to finally get over whatever is confusing him, his stupid action just made him feel more confused.

Worse because he has a girlfriend.

WORST because he just can’t stop thinking of her.

Her is supposed to be his girlfriend. Her is not supposed to be Jessica.

But her didn’t turn out the way he wanted it to turn out.

“Damn,” he finally muttered. “When did this happen?” he asked himself. Again. He’s been asking himself that question since the TOP 2 because it was when he realized he’s been noticing every single thing Jessica does; from the way she smiles to the way she wants her coffee in the morning.

It was crazy!

Man I sound like Jennifer Lopez.

Phillip shook his head and lay down on the bed. He closed his eyes and tried to analyze his feelings. He knows he feels something for her, but he doesn’t want to put a name to whatever it is. There are so many complications—his girlfriend, his health, their age gap, Colton…

Yes, Colton. He knows Colton likes Jessica a lot. He can see it in the way he looks at her, he talks about her, and the way he holds her.

Phillip remembered how he had the sudden urge to push Colton away from Jessica during the time she was ‘almost’ eliminated. Colton had said “I love you now” to her then hugged her.  It was caught in the cameras--- the way he, Phillip, turned away from the scene.

His girlfriend had seen that. She had confronted him. He denied that it was ‘jealousy’ of course. Because he, himself, doesn’t even know how he felt that time. He wasn’t even aware that it was his reaction. They had a fight. His girlfriend didn’t attend his next performance night.

Then there was the next elimination. When Jessica was called for the top 6, Phillip wasn’t able to control himself. He pulled her towards him and hugged her tight. He was so happy for her. He was even ready to go home as long as she was able to enter the top 6.

Colton ruined the moment. After Phillip had hugged her, Colton pulled Jessica towards him and embraced her too; looking like he’ll never let her go.

Busted. His reaction was caught in the camera again. This time, even he couldn’t deny that it jealousy was written all over his face.

His girlfriend almost broke up with him.

Then there were the songs. Jessica was on his mind when he sang Volcano and We’ve Got Tonight. It was so obvious! The lyrics of both songs didn’t describe his relationship with his girlfriend; they described what he feels for Jessica.

Heejun bluntly asked him if it was for Jessica. Of course he has to deny it.

“Damn!” He blurted out as he opened his eyes and got off the bed. He started pacing. Jessica was the reason his girlfriend called him awhile ago. She was worried.  Not that she told him that. He felt it when she casually asked if Jessica was still in the mansion.

His girlfriend. He loves her to death. He loves her so much. She was always there for him. She sacrificed a lot for him.

For quite a long time, his girlfriend occupies his heart alone.

But now… he couldn’t deny the fact that someone else had slowly paved her towards the center of his heart. Yes, he still couldn’t say that what he’s feeling is that four-letter word, but he can admit Jessica holds a special place in his heart.

Phillip doesn’t have a clue on what to do.

I promise I’ll worry about everything after my surgery. Just not now.


The surgery was successful.

Phillip just woke up from a long sleep. He felt relieved. He felt happy. He felt better. The first ones to welcome him back to the world were his parents and girlfriend. His Mom had cried. His girlfriend planted a big kiss on his lips.

He was happy, but he can feel that little empty space, which he tried to ignore.

He’s still in the hospital for recuperation, but the doctor said he can do other things now. He’ll be healthy just in time for the Idol Tour, which is in five days, just as long as he doesn’t do anything strenuous.

So what to do? He spent the day having a Twitter Party. Someone had convinced him that having a Twitter party reduces stress. That someone was right.

Phillip Phillips @PPhillipsAI11

Hey guys. Whattup? Good news. Surgery successful. #alive

He tweeted. And in a few seconds, there were replies. A lot of them. He answered as much as he could, depending on the tweets.

@obsessedwithyourchesthair tweeted:

@PPhillipsAI11 I love you, please be mine. Marry me?

He didn’t answer. Because it was a guy.

@seriouslyphiljess tweeted:

@PPhillipsAI11 So glad you’re okay! Will you make it on tour?

He answered it:

@seriouslyphilljess Yes. I’ll make it. :)

And there were a lot of other tweets which made him smile. One in particular caught his attention.

@philjessshipper tweeted:

@PPhillipsAI11 Did @JSanchezAI11 visit you yet? We seriously need a Philjess moment!

He would reply. But he was thinking of what to reply. And somebody beat him to it.

Jessica Sanchez @JSanchezAI11

@philjessshipper I will visit him soon. I miss @PPhillipsAI11. :) PP, thank God you’re all right. <3 p="p">
Phillip couldn’t help the silly grin that appeared on his face, which called the attention of his Mom, who was the one on duty for him today at the hospital.

“Someone’s happy,” she said, smiling at his son. Phillip smiled back.

“Nothing in particular, Mom. Just a fan tweeting sweet things,” he answered, which is really not a lie.

His Mom nodded and went back to her reading. Phillip went back to his twitter, still smiling. He’s just so happy. It seemed that “the kiss” didn’t put a wall between them.

Phillip Phillips @PPhillipAI11

@JSanchezAI11 How much?

Jessica replied in a second.

@PPhillipsAI11 How much what, PP?

Phillip replied:

@JSanchezAI11 How much did you miss me? :)

Jessica replied:

@PPhillipsAI11 As much as @HHanAI11 misses you.

To which Heejun replied:

@JSanchezAI11 @PPhiliipsAI11 Don’t include me in your flirting. Where’s your GF anyway? She should see this.

And it stopped him. He didn’t reply to the post anymore. Jessica saved them both.

@HHanAI11 @PPhillipsAI11 and I are merely kidding around as usual. :)

Heejun couldn’t be stopped.

@JSanchezAI11 I don’t believe you. You and @PPhillipsAI11 are in love and wouldn’t just admit it.

Phillip’s eyes almost popped out of their sockets. But before he can even reply, someone else saved them both. But he wasn’t what he had in mind.

Colton Dixon @CDixonAI11

@HHanAI11 @JSanchezAI11 is in love with me. @PPhillipAI11 has a girlfriend he loves. Don’t cause trouble, my man. :)

Phillip didn’t see the next replies. He suddenly didn’t have the mood to tweet.  He replaced his phone on the table beside his bed and lay back down.

Colton is his friend…. but jealousy has always been a bitch.

Phillip closed his eyes and slept. His last thoughts were Jessica’s tweet:

I will visit him soon. I miss @PPhillipsAI11. :) PP, thank God you’re all right. <3 p="p">
He slept, feeling a little hopeful and a little… guilty.


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