Of Public Marriage Proposals

I have nothing against public marriage proposals, but I am definitely not a fan.

Before anyone reacts negatively--- I used "I", which means I didn't consider anyone's opinion while I was writing this because it's MY OPINION and mine alone.

Minutes before this blog entry, I have seen the news stating that John Prats proposed to Isabel Oli. A few weeks ago, Chiz proposed to Heart. Prior to that, Dingdong proposed to Marian. Months before, JC Intal proposed to Bianca Gonzales. And a year or two ago, some of my guy friends proposed to the love of their lives.

In public. Or at least in front of a number of people.

I admit I was a bit touched (in the case of my friends because well, they're my friends, DUH; and in the case of Dongyan-- am not a fan of Pinoy, nonfiction love teams, but they have this explosive chemistry since Marimar), but I know that if it happens to me, the guy will hear a resounding NO. And probably a whisper of "Fuck you" before I leave him on his knees, the asshole.

Let me just say this to the guy or girl--- when you're thinking of proposing in public, don't think about what you'll do ONCE she/ he said yes; think about what you'll do IF she/he said NO.

It's a risk. And it's not all flowers and rainbows.

But that's not the point. And the point has nothing to do with bitterness about love at all.

So what's the point? Here's my point:

"Why?" Someone might ask. "Why don't you like public proposals? They're so sweet and romantic and every girl's dream."

I would roll my eyes, as always when I think the question sounds pathetic, and then:

"Because it's the proposal of forever", I would simply answer. And in my mind, I'll add another sarcastic remark just because I am me-- "then if it's every girl's dream, why am I considering it a nightmare?"

There you go. While I would enjoy people watching me marry the man of my soul, I would prefer it if no one was there when he ASKS to be the man of MY soul; the man of MY "forever". I want no one to be there with us other than the two of us.

It's my moment, our moment, and it's something that I don't want to share with anyone at least during that particular moment. Call me selfish, but I want to see him and hear him as he is--- without the pressure of hidden spectators ready to come out any time the moment I say "Yes"; without the pressure of hidden cameras or videos to capture the moment. I want to see him make a fool of himself as he gets nervous so he starts acting like a cute idiot. I want to hear him stutter his words of forever to me. I want to see him trying so hard to act calm even though I know he's jittery inside.

I want the purest moment--- no audience, no camera, no props. I just want him--- baring the deepest desires of his heart and his soul to ONLY ME.

So yeah. A public marriage proposal might just be the most romantic thing--- too bad for me that it's NOT for me.

Oh. But if Josh Hutcherson suddenly proposes to Jlaw or Tom Felton suddenly proposes to Em Watson--- then I'll probably eat my words at least for a day.


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