Which Fandom Rules my World? (Part 1: Twilight)


Every time I open any webpage with the word Breaking Dawn on it, there's always a mention of Harry Potter and vice versa. Honestly, I am so tired. Tired of hearing comparisons between the two because they shouldn't be compared.

And here comes Hunger Games. Now they’re a trio.

Before you read the next paragraphs, I am warning you--- I am a potterhead and always will be. Some of my reasons will appear a bit biased, but I am trying to be objective as I write this. 

And oh, I include both movies and books.

MY TWILIGHT PHASE: Why and why not Twilight?

First of all, before twihards start throwing insults and harsh words towards me, I am saying this--- I don't hate twilight. In fact, I went through a Twilight phase (I mean an Edward phase) and am still going through a Jasper phase.

I'm not ashamed of it.

Again, I don’t hate Twilight. I like it, though I can say I don't love it as much as I love Harry Potter. I compare it to a crush. When it was first shown on 2008, I admit I was intrigued. I was fascinated. Then I was infatuated (well, mostly with Edward for a very short time and of course, Jasper). And what made me have this crush? It isn’t hard to enumerate the things, which caused me to like it. Twilight is likeable and loveable even. It has its shares of qualities worth lauding.

So Why Twilight?

a. I find vampires fascinating.

It has been a teenage dream of mine to be bitten by a vampire so I could become one. Yeah, crazy thought, I know, but most vampires are beautiful, perfect creatures (if we just set aside the fact that they are forever damned and they drink from humans)-- some would want to be one and would want to be with one.

In the Twilight series, they are portrayed as having perfect physical characteristics-- a reason why the series have more female fans than male fans.

b. Cedric Diggory

Don’t get your knickers in a twist, twihards. I am merely stating the truth and am not insulting your Edward. Continue reading.

I have never even heard of the Twilight Books before the movies, so it was a given that I watched the first Twilight movie first before reading the series. (Admittedly, it was the same for the Harry Potter series. I watched the first movie before I read the books)

I knew Rob Pattinson from the Harry Potter movies and I had a huge crush on him as Cedric Diggory. His presence in the film was what made me decide to watch it in the first place. His pretty boy image was a factor, but I actually liked his portrayal as Cedric and was curious on how he will handle Edward.

c. Romance is usually something that pulls me towards a book (except HP) and the Twilight series is full of it.

There is just something about forbidden and impossible love that calls to me.  

d. It contains light material than most books I have read, which is quite refreshing and relaxing.

I am a fan of Sidney Sheldon, J.K. Rowling, and Jeffrey Archer; those of you who read their books, you know how mind-boggling and how deep they are. Sidney Sheldon's novels always keep me at the edge of my seat and never fail to surprise me at the end of every chapter. Jeffrey Archer's novels might contain hard and serious facts like politics and business, but his story telling mind has woven those topics together creatively to create masterpieces. And J.K Rowling's series just made me one of those people who know that Hogwarts is fiction, but just wouldn't accept it (cause it exists for us). She created another world that changed my life (and millions of fans).

The Twilight books are set in a realistic world and its main theme is about the love between an ordinary human and a supernatural vampire. When I read it, I just went with the flow. It is one of the books’ likable factors for me. Again. FOR ME.

e. Jasper Whitlock.

He is the sole reason why I am watching the movies. I love Original Book Jasper and movie Jasper especially because Jackson Rathbone was cast as Jasper.

f. I love Fanfiction Twilight.

Since it's fanfiction, anybody can write anything. Fanfiction Twilight is my Canon. I have to admit I love it way more than I can love the original books. And I love noncanon couples particularly Jasper and Bella.

Fanfiction Bella is different. She was portrayed differently by some of my favorite authors: cullen818, Twisted4twilight, James Ramsey, Clurrabella, and many other fanfiction authors who made a difference in my life by pairing her up with Jasper.

I love Fanfiction Jasper way more than Canon Jasper. Jasper's character was explored so much by those genius authors and I love it. He's not just the quiet-because-I-shall-drink-people's-blood Jasper. He's portrayed as someone strong, independent (not like the puppy that follows Alice everywhere), and sexy as hell. He's often transforming into his Major role and it makes the stories more fascinating.

I can never read the books again without comparing it to Fanfiction.

So Now… Why Not Twilight?

a. Bella's character is one reason why Twilight isn't a favorite of mine.

For me, she was portrayed as a lovesick teenager. When Edward left her, she almost died of heartbreak. She never did anything to help herself. She made Edward the center of her universe that she forgot that other people who love her (like her father) are still there. She almost ceased to exist. It isn't a good example to any girl.

This made me resort to fanfiction Twilight, actually. Those authors portray her as someone strong enough who really tried hard to cope with heartbreak.

b. I said I don't hate Twilight. I even like it. I even write fanfiction for it.
(Note: You may read my Jasper and Bella fics (FF name: angelchoo)

But then, every time I read comments of some Twilight Fans, I get irritated. Really irritated to the point that my 'like' towards Twilight is getting affected.

Because when it comes down to a point that I will have to choose sides, I will choose HP faster than one can say Quidditch. Of course most of the Twihards who read this will say: "the hell we care?”, but again, that is not my point.

My point is, why say something negative against HP when it wouldn't even affect our (we, potterheads) love for HP? I mean I am sure that when some of us bash Twilight it wouldn't affect your love for the series. So why the hate?

I met a lot of Twilight fans online-- most of them I met because of Fanfiction and we get along well. And it is not being untrue or 'plastic', because if you see my Fanfiction profile, it is a given how much I love Harry Potter, so my Fanfiction friends know it.

Yes, there are also lots of Potterheads bashing Twilight, and just so you know, we tell them off too. We want respect for our series and how can we attain that if we bash back?

c. Alice Cullen

This might be a bit biased and I'm admitting it-- my fanfiction obsession has influenced my opinion towards her. Original Book Alice is beautiful, tiny, bubbly, cheerful, almost perfect.

Most fanfiction stories (Jasper and Bella) show her as someone manipulative—someone who uses her clairvoyance to manipulate how other people think, which, if you really set aside how she was portrayed in the books, you will see it too (though not as exaggerated as fanfiction though).

d. The Series Ending

I did not read one whole book of beautiful and skilled vampires preparing for a war just to find them having peace talks at the end. Oh no. I am not a fan of violence and I am not anti-social or sadistic. But why build up something, keep your audience at the edge of their seats…. Then kill the momentum?

Seriously? Breaking Dawn is the second best Twilight book (Eclipse being no.1 because of Jasper)… except for the ending. 

(Note: Part 2 will be about Hunger Games)


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