Why Tokyo's Making Me Feel Reverse Culture Shock Depression--- Day 2

DAY 2--- Tuesday--- November 11, 2014
Shinjuku, Tokyo Disneyland, Shibuya

There are different ways to reach Tokyo Disneyland. First is by driving (but this is probably for the locals unless you have a lot of money to spare so you can rent a car); second is by train; and third is by bus.

If you choose the train, you have to ride the JR Chuo Line Rapid Train from Shinjuku station to Tokyo Station and then transfer to JR Keiyo Line or Musashino Line to Maihama station. Disneyland is in Maihama.

We chose to ride the bus--- it’s more expensive, but it’s less of a hassle. We took a cab to Shinjuku station (to the New South Exit Terminal) to where the buses to Disneyland were stationed. Here’s the link to the schedule of the departure from Shinjuku and from Disneyland--- http://www.tokyodisneyresort.jp/en/access/bus/shinjuku/index.html

Upon arriving at Shinjuku, there’s a machine where you can get the bus tickets to Disneyland (it costs 800 +). It’s in Nihongo, but there’s someone stationed there who will help you. He merely asked how many we were and he was the one who touched the screen to push the buttons.

It was a 50-minute journey from Shinjuku to Tokyo Disneyland.

The park tickets can be purchased from the stalls right after the inspection booth. It’s 6,400 per adult. The very friendly staff will also provide you with maps after asking you if you want the Nihongo version or the English version.

I have been to Hong Kong Disneyland and it’s far bigger than Tokyo Disneyland, but I love Tokyo Disneyland more. It’s really the people—they made the atmosphere extremely welcoming to the point that you can call it “home”.

It was sooo cold in Disneyland. If it’s already that cold in Shibuya, it’s twice in Disneyland and I was just wearing a thin denim blouse and a scarf. I refused to wear anything because that was my OOTD for the day and it was only in Japan that I took the OOTD thing seriously. Thank God it seemed like Japan’s weather was good for my allergic rhinitis and I never even experienced signs of colds.  

Our first stop was the grounds before the castle because there was the Parade of Stars. People sat by the sidewalk with the sidewalk mattress, which can be bought there. The four of us used Disney maps, which were given by a kind staff (I know I kept saying “kind”, but that’s really how they can be described). There was no pushing or pulling or Hey-I-Can’t-see moments because there’s a place for everyone in the sidewalk. Also, they have this place for disabled and old people so they can watch the parade without the hassle of a crowd.

The theme this year was of course, Christmas. It was a beautiful parade and very lively. Although I wasn’t able to enjoy the last part of the performance because my bladder was complaining from all the coldness. (Serves you right, baka)

Our next stop was Cinderella’s Fairy Tale Hall--- an exhibit of Cinderella’s life story. There was a throne at one end and a display of her glass shoe. I refused to sit on the throne or even wear the glass shoe just because I am not a Princess--- I am either a witch or an evil fairy.

It’s A Small World was as usual fascinating. It’s a boat ride that tours you around the world. This year’s theme was Christmas Around the World, which showcased how different nations celebrate Christmas.

We had lunch at one of the benches because all restaurants were full and we’re all hungry! The shrimp burger was simply delicious. O_O

Our last stop before we decided to leave was Toon Town where Mickey and friends reside. I have to share another Japanese People kindness in here.

Mickey’s House has a long line--- it was like an enrolment at UP Manila. Upon reaching the house, Mom’s cramps attacked her so she and Dad told the staff by the door if they could just leave. The staff agreed and led them out.

When Otouto and I entered the house, we were approached by said staff a few minutes after she led our parents outside and told us we’ll have our picture taken with Mickey in 20 minutes. Mickey was still in the parade (second performance of the day) so we had to wait. We told her we can’t since we needed to leave immediately so we can go to our parents. The staff kept approaching us several times inside the house to tell us to wait because we will have our photos taken with Mickey. My brother and I were both clueless and just let her be. What we didn’t know was--- the Manager of Mickey’s house and the same staff already approached our parents, asked my Mom how was her legs, and fetched them so they can have their picture taken with Mickey alongside us. We were surprised to see them at the end of the house tour. We didn’t get to have our picture taken with Mickey at the entrance of the park because there was a cut-off, so we’re really happy to have our photo taken with him for free.

And Mickey Mouse kissed me on the cheeks--- yup, and with a sound. What’s it with Mickeys and me? The Mickey in Hong Kong Disneyland held my hand as if he was my boyfriend. xD

Anyway, the staff couldn’t probably read this, but I still want to thank her and her manager for being very kind and friendly and helpful and--- I should stop.

Otouto explored the other side of Disney alone because I was feeling bitchy about the cold and because of Mom’s feet. The a**hole managed to see fascinating things and I was a bit envious. There was Tom Sawyer’s Land, an Indian Village, and a Nightmare Before Christmas haunted house (I could have found my throne in there, damn it).

We left Disneyland at around 4:10 via bus to Shinjuku station. I was a bit relieved to finally rest from the coldness. Being inside the bus felt like being inside a heater. It was far colder outside.

We reached Shinjuku at around 5:15—it was already dark though. We decided to take a cab since Shibuya is just 4.5 kilometers so it won’t cost us much. We also had a bit of a funny encounter with the cab driver, which actually caused my Basic Nihongo knowledge to be of use.

Mom had a hard time explaining to the driver where in Shibuya we’re staying. My brother kept telling her to say it’s near Cross Tower. The Cab Driver even had to stop at a corner to look at the map. We spent about two minutes just looking at the map. Dad kept saying it was near Cross Tower; Mom was doing the same. The Driver couldn’t understand.

So I finally intervened and told the driver it’s Kurosu Tawa (Katakana pronunciation). And the driver went “AH! KUROSU TAWA!”

So we arrived at Cross Tower in less than five minutes. Xd

We were too tired to explore Shibuya so we resulted to another Conbini dinner, which wasn’t bad at all actually.


Here's the link to day 1 where you can find information regarding the transportation from Narita to Shibuya and other trip information based on my experience.

Note: Please ask permission before you use the photos--- my brother and I own them. Thanks.


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